REGENERATION MATRIX group press release: Sales of gas and oil blocks in the DRC

by Virginie Guignard Legros, présidente de REGENERATION MATRIX group

and the Ariel section of ANGELS REGENERATION MATRIX

July 30, 2022, Geneva

Dear ANGELS, dear POLLENS, Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, REGENERATION MATRIX group based in Switzerland with our members in the DRC, as part of our activities of advice, studies and coordination of communities in their territories, we would like to address to His Excellency Mr. Félix Tshisekedi, President from the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of CONGO a request for transparency and a moratorium on the sale of oil and gas blocks, so that cities and civil society can take note of information on these calls for tenders (conditions, contracts, selection criteria …). But also to have the time to make an assessment of the economic, ecological, social, urban, human impacts on the ecosystems of the areas of establishment. And, conclude this moratorium, the duration of which is to be assessed in a reasonable manner. So conclude with an analysis and concerted decisions with yourself, your government and the various community representatives on the territories concerned that you govern. Counting on your kindness.

We understand that we are facing an environment of domestic and international oil and gas shortages. However, this is not a reason to sell off heritage and jeopardize the quality of life of the population and the protection programs for areas that belong to the world heritage of humanity. We are not against exploitation of natural resources, reasoned and environmentally secure. There is one area in particular where there is an urgent humanitarian need to intervene. We think of pockets of gas and possibly oil if they are not all indicated which are facing the City of GOMA. As you know, during the last volcanic flow, the inhabitants were asked to evacuate GOMA because of the possible explosions of the pockets of gas with the advance of the lava in Lake KIVU which could have destroyed the City.< /p>

And, the inhabitants had to evacuate on foot, at a trot with their children under their arms, because help could not come from the air, but also not from the potentially explosive lake, nor from the road for that matter because there were too many pedestrians already engaged.

But here again, the exploitation must be done without any pollution, because it is Lake KIVU. And Lake KIVU is part of the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are part of the world’s drinking water reserves. Where today oil is more expensive than water, I think that in 20 years the value of water could be akin to a luxury product. And, with contaminated waters, all regions of the Great Lakes will have survival concerns. That is about ten million people on the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of CONGO side whose life depends on having a living and healthy lake to feed their families and for whom we are currently developing with the local society our project of labeling of the active users on lake areas and major groundwater called LIVING WATER.

On the other hand, we cannot endorse oil exploitation in natural park areas. It is a great wound that you have opened in the hearts of people and organizations that have fought for decades to succeed in creating and maintaining them.

And, if you continue in this direction, it will leave an indelible scar on the hearts and on the quality of life of the children and grandchildren who will make your country tomorrow.

You have national treasures and because perhaps others on the planet who have not taken care of their treasures ask you to, you follow them in their escalation. Tomorrow in the West, the oil automobile industry will be banned because it and other industries have each participated in the destruction of our planet and climate change. You too are affected by this disruption. Look at UVIRA, Look at KINDU… all of them are losing neighborhoods of cities in pain and in urgency. Because there is too much water. And, when the water falls, it destroys everything in its path. At UVIRA, the degradation of erosion heads is foreseeable. there are currently 12,000 people to be evacuated before December. But no preventive humanitarian emergency aid in prospect.

If you or anyone reading this press release is interested in helping us with this task, please contact us.

Agreements have been signed to preserve the planet. There are some penknife hits to the contract due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, but that does not justify breaking all the locks. We ask you to think about a reasoned and sustainable exploitation of your natural resources. Do not hesitate to consult your citizens, many are good fathers with good farming sense and know the value of land and water.

We have a question about setting up your operating project.

Why sell your natural resources rather than outsource their exploitation? Is it not more appropriate to create a national oil company? A company that could take part of its profits to develop your regions. Lake TANGANYIKA has its roads corroded year after year by water. Remaking them into coastal roads and taking advantage of them to strengthen the shores of the lake would benefit everyone.

Today, part of your country is under great stress on areas where there are blocks. And fear raises fears. Fear that oil exploitation opens in park areas sound the death knell for its nature and its animals. Fear that oil exploitations create major pollution that kills fish and leads to famine. Especially since the targeted areas are 95% agricultural.

There may be other avenues to explore, such as tourism. The potential would be huge if security issues were resolved. Tourism would be a more economically important and less polluting sector, as a member of our Lake EDWARD group points out. And, it is an activity that would be in phase with peasant activities and the beauty of the landscapes.

We are not in your shoes, but we can bring you the grievances of our ANGELS and our beneficiaries. Today the people of ITURI, NORTH KIVU, SOUTH KIVU and also KASAÏ who have other concerns, all ask to be listened to and heard in their frustrations, their pains. Governing a country of 100 million people is not easy, but calming fears by accepting a moratorium seems to us the best thing to offer you.

Virginie Guignard Legros



Jules Amani


AFRIKA Prosperity

Official representative of


Our ANGELS Regions in the DRC

Nos Régions ANGELS en RDC

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